During the research process for our film opening, we have decided we wanted to base our film on something we can relate to Coming-of-age Drama movies. While discussing in class, we quickly realized we wanted to create something meaningful about our teenage struggles/ life processes. Jennifer mentioned to us that her father passed away a few years ago and that she wanted to show her struggle of going through it. We developed a real-life depiction of what Jennifer felt when it first happened. This is a very important story to Jennifer and our group, and we want to show exactly what someone might be going through behind closed doors.
The Edge of Seventeen

We felt like this most resonated with our story, where Nadine's father passes away and she lives with that struggle of living with it. It is also a coming-of-age story about a teenager growing up.
The struggle of losing a parent
“When a parent dies when you are young, it’s like you are left to free-fall without a parachute while everyone around you is getting helicoptered-parented well into their 30s.”
- Huffington Post.
We want to create something meaningful that would at the same time help anyone who can relate to the feeling, where they will know- they are not alone. Additionally, according to an article on Vice, "An estimated 1.5 million US children lose one or both parents by the age of 15, comprising about five percent of the population. In younger children, grief often manifests in anxiety. Because children rely on their parents to meet their basic needs, kids who have lost a parent may ask who will pick them up from school or make dinner. They sometimes worry about their surviving parent dying, too."
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