Tuesday, March 31, 2020
our final song
Good news and bad news! So today I received an email from the head of composition on behalf of Coldplay where they mentioned what the song would be used for and how we would be using it. Unfortunately, I have already arrived at the final stage of editing, where our song is already in place. After hours of searching, Jessica and I tried to find the song that would best be a match for our film opening. We finally found one by creator Micco. on Youtube, this creator allows anyone to use their beats and it is a non-copyright song. I do wish that we could've used the original song by Coldplay but unfortunately, they answered a month late and by then I had already finished the video. Additionally, I would have to contact the record label that holds the rights to the sound recording of Coldplay, which would most likely take another month. Therefore, we are sticking to our amazing youtube song!
Monday, March 30, 2020
prep for CCR
Hi everyone! Today I've begun writing my script for my CCR, where my main idea is creating a simple recording of myself answering the questions with specific research and images included. I will make the editing creative and match my personality! Mainly my strategy is viewing what I've written in my blogs and doing even more research to support my answer! I will be filming outside because there is SIGNIFICANTLY less noise than inside my busy house.

Sunday, March 29, 2020
Final script
We had created a script during the first week of production but today it was finalized as we are almost finished editing. I understand this may seem long overdue but with our current situation, I had to finish it by myself.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Hi everyone! so today I wanted to talk about what font we've chosen/ why we chose it! For us it was really important to choose a font that represented what our film was going to be about, therefore we picked something simple and natural: Handwriting. We didn't want to pick anything extra or too in your face because we want people to focus on what on the screen rather than the text. I found this font through Dafont.com! I have a video down below explaining and showing more of the use of the font.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Editing day two!
Hi everyone! Today I chose the color palette and filters I wanted to use over the video! I also cut out some extra pieces and whatever was necessary! I first started out with using orange/yellow-ish tones for the happy memory sequence, then blue/grey cool tones for the reality scenes. The cool tones represent the absence of the father and the warm tones represent the happiness that existed when the father was still there. Here is a time-lapse of some of the editing I did today:
Monday, March 23, 2020
Editing day one!
Hi my fellow bloggers, so today I took the advantage of the amount of time that I had and I decided to edit mostly what I could of our film opening. Today I mainly just composed all the clips together, cut out whatever was necessary and placed in the non-copyright music that we are going to use for our project. ( I will make a separate posting about that situation ). I am extremely happy to say that we are on the route to almost finishing our project! The only things left that we have to do is find a font, complete the editing process, and choose what color palette we want for the different scenes. This video down below is a short time lapse of me editing some parts of the opening!
Saturday, March 21, 2020
The struggle
Hey my self-quarantine pals! I wanted to create a blog post just talking about the struggle of not being able to really work together due to the situation occurring in the world right now. We are trying our best to still communicate but it is difficult when not everyone is active using their phones. Currently, I’m trying to find the best song for our production due to the fact that UMG and MGM did not answer us over the song Sparks by Coldplay :(. This is really upsetting but it’s okay!! We have other options such as non-copyright music from youtube. Since I am the only one with access to the editing program, I have to begin working on the project alone unfortunately. Hope you all stay healthy and safe, until next week!
Thursday, March 19, 2020
use of technology
Hello my fellow self-distancing pals, hope you're all staying home and keeping yourselves healthy! Today I want to mention the different technologies we have used/will be using during our production.


For editing, as mentioned in my last post, I will be using the software: Adobe After Effects (for more info. view my last blog). Additionally, to fully be able to edit I will be using a MacBook Air (Apple product).

Since we already filmed, the device that we primarily used was my Canon t6i camera to film our opening! Additionally, for our behind the scenes clips, we used my iPhone 8 to document, as well as Jessicas phone.

When we first began to plan out our film opening, I used the technology offered by our school, Cypress Bay High, to plan out everything. As well as using google docs, the mood board application, and Youtube to choose our song.:format(jpeg)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/55615875/microsoft-surface-pro-4-9312.0.0.jpg)

Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Due to having lots of free time because of the unfortunate circumstances occurring in our world right now, we have decided to take advantage of it and begin editing. Today we just accumulated all the clips, named them correctly by scene, placed them with different colors, and put them in order! The editing program we’re using is Adobe After Effects. I really personally love this program because I’m very used to it since I usually like to edit on it for fun! I understand that it’s a very complicated program but since I’m comfortable with it, it’s simple to create a film opening on it!

Friday, March 13, 2020
filming day two!
Hello, my fellow bloggers! Today we filmed the rest of our project and placed all of our clips onto the editing program (Adobe After Effects). Here is some of our filming progress with the entire group:
Thursday, March 12, 2020
target audience
During our pre-planning stage, we had already chosen our target audience from day one. Due to our films' heavy subject matter, we understand that mainly teenagers or younger children may not be able to sympathize with it or enjoy it. Therefore, our target audience is ages 18-30 years old making it a more mature audience. One great example of a story that inspired us and has a heaving subject matter is Marriage story by Noah Baumbach, where we can see that the rating is R, meaning that the target audience is older and directed towards younger adults/ adults.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
As our group is all Hispanic/Spanish ethnicity, we felt it was very important to incorporate some of our culture into the opening. Jessica and her family are from Cuba/Colombia and they really enjoy expressing where they're from! According to research done by The Annenberg Inclusion Initiative at USC, they found that "of the 100 top-grossing films each year from 2007 to 2018, only three percent featured Latino actors in lead or co-lead roles." Additionally, our lead character is a young girl, as well as the opening being directed, produced, and edited by an all-woman team. Therefore, we wanted to make something meaningful that is not as represented in film.
In reality, typically in Hollywood Latinos are represented in a stereotypical way. According to MarketWatch, "Some 28% of top-billed Latino actors and 24% of Latino speaking characters were portrayed as either violent or non-violent lawbreakers with 62% of these law-breaking characters taking part in organized crime." We want our project to represent a Latino family that is accurate and depicts what we actually are like.
In reality, typically in Hollywood Latinos are represented in a stereotypical way. According to MarketWatch, "Some 28% of top-billed Latino actors and 24% of Latino speaking characters were portrayed as either violent or non-violent lawbreakers with 62% of these law-breaking characters taking part in organized crime." We want our project to represent a Latino family that is accurate and depicts what we actually are like.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
costume design
Before we began filming some of our scenes, we decided that choosing certain outfits that correlated with the situation was very important. For example, during the memory sequence, we used clothing that had a pop of color or was very colorful, such as the Christmas scene! Additionally, with the first scene that we filmed of reality, it was very important to use dark clothing representing the sadness within the character.
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pancake scene ( felt that a colorful shirt was useful to represent happiness) |
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Filming day #1
Unfortunately, today Jennifer and Milena could not make it but the show still must go on! We began to film scenes that were indoor shots due to the fact that it was rainy and windy outside-- which would not match up with our happy scenes-- therefore, we only filmed what we could.
We also decided it would be fun to film some behind the scenes!
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Mise-en-scene elements
- We are mainly using Jessica's house as the set design, where there will be a sense of a home feel and to set up the correct atmosphere of the opening. Ex. the cooking scene will be filmed in Jessica's kitchen or the soccer will be filmed in her backyard (a large green field).
- With our costume design we want to include symbolism and a color difference! During the happy, past moments the family will mainly wear brighter colors: whites, yellow, pinks etc.. opposed to the darker, present scenes where Jessica and her mom will wear dark shades: Black, grey, dark blue etc..

- With our project, we felt that color was very important to differentiate reality vs. memory. During our memory sequence, we want to include browns/orange tones to create a dream-like aspect to it and a warm, heart-felt feelings. In contrast, we will use blues and darker tones to show the sadness that the mom and daughter feel. Here are some great examples of the types of colors we want to embody from @colorpalette.cinema on Instagram:
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Group meetings
Today we did a group discussion where we discussed about each of our projects and we really talked everything out and gained a new perspective on how we can better our openings. After explaining how our film is about the struggle of losing a parent, a peer explained how they recently lost their parent as well. While hearing their experience and how they felt throughout the process, I really gained insight on how I could add new ideas to our group. I also really enjoyed hearing and giving advice to other people, which helped them understand how to make their project better. One interesting thing that we did was compare the film openings to certain movies we thought could be related to them. Such as with one of the projects being about being a social media influencer and a teenager with the movie Eighth Grade by Bo Burnham. Overall this was such a great experience and feel like it really helped me think of some new ideas!
Monday, March 2, 2020
new storyboard
This new storyboard shows our new ideas planned out in a rough sketch. Personally, I'm a very get the list done type of person so I prefer to create a list of shots that we definitely want to use in our video. However, this is our visual version of the shots!
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