Tuesday, March 31, 2020

our final song

Good news and bad news! So today I received an email from the head of composition on behalf of Coldplay where they mentioned what the song would be used for and how we would be using it. Unfortunately, I have already arrived at the final stage of editing, where our song is already in place. After hours of searching, Jessica and I tried to find the song that would best be a match for our film opening. We finally found one by creator Micco. on Youtube, this creator allows anyone to use their beats and it is a non-copyright song. I do wish that we could've used the original song by Coldplay but unfortunately, they answered a month late and by then I had already finished the video. Additionally, I would have to contact the record label that holds the rights to the sound recording of Coldplay, which would most likely take another month. Therefore, we are sticking to our amazing youtube song!

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