Wednesday, March 11, 2020


As our group is all Hispanic/Spanish ethnicity, we felt it was very important to incorporate some of our culture into the opening. Jessica and her family are from Cuba/Colombia and they really enjoy expressing where they're from! According to research done by The Annenberg Inclusion Initiative at USC, they found that "of the 100 top-grossing films each year from 2007 to 2018, only three percent featured Latino actors in lead or co-lead roles." Additionally, our lead character is a young girl, as well as the opening being directed, produced, and edited by an all-woman team. Therefore, we wanted to make something meaningful that is not as represented in film.

Image result for statistics of latinos on film

In reality, typically in Hollywood Latinos are represented in a stereotypical way.  According to MarketWatch, "Some 28% of top-billed Latino actors and 24% of Latino speaking characters were portrayed as either violent or non-violent lawbreakers with 62% of these law-breaking characters taking part in organized crime." We want our project to represent a Latino family that is accurate and depicts what we actually are like.

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